Nobody wants to come to work by force, that at the beginning of the shift he can’t wait to go back home, and then he transfers all that impatience to his closest ones. Over time, dissatisfaction starts to appear everywhere, whatever you try to do. Modernization is advancing so much that we have lost pace with it. It has also created a lot of new types of business that we have perfected so much that we have become hungry for knowledge and progress as if it were imperative.
Constantly focused only on working hours, we stopped listening to ourselves and our needs, even though we have vacations we get tired of them. Do you agree that this doesn’t sound good? Let’s leave the suit and tie, heels, and skirt on the side for a moment and see what happens when we return to the walls of our home and feel nausea because of the obligations that await us the next day.
The phenomenon called Burn Out Syndrome is being taken seriously because of the expansion of people who face this group of problems in recent years. No profession has been spared. Whether you work in a company, agency, in lower or higher business functions, the possibility of burnout always exists, but it does not mean that it is inevitable. You have no reason to be afraid, but it is important to be able to recognize symptoms and in the end to deal with it adequately.
The first days at work bring the beauty of novelty around everything that is yet to come. In most cases big effort is put into searching for a job, all accompanied by excitement and anticipation. You finally find your place at the office desk and you are part of the collective. New acquaintances, a sense of belonging, and a warm welcome. Such an atmosphere inspires and awakens the desire to prove yourself. You go full steam ahead and do your job. Enthusiasm says that a break is not even necessary, you feel like you can do more than that and you can’t wait for a new working day. This state of affairs can last, and it can stay that way, depending on the nature of the job itself, but also depending on what kind of person you are.
Those who are more susceptible to sliding into Burn Out are:
– Workaholics who seek obligation over obligation. No matter how much they work, it is never enough for them, they have a special kind of driving energy that is never reduced. They work overtime, do not look at the clock, and skip breaks.
– Perfectionists who are too dedicated. When they finish their part of the job, they spend the whole working day looking at it from all possible sides, looking for details that they can change. Even after that, the final version does not suit them.
– People-pleaser who put other people’s needs ahead of their own and have low self-esteem. Every suggestion and criticism is personally accepted. They often do not know how to reject others and do not have any attitude. This leads to a vicious circle because there is no end to comments and requests.
If you are the kind of person who knows what he wants, you are aware of how much you are worthy, a solidly built identity cannot shake anything. Therefore, do not go to extremes, carefully, so as not to succumb to pressure and stress. On the other hand, it is perfectly fine if that happens. It means that you care about the success and that you only go faster when you should have slowed down.

The main characteristics of Burn Out are manifested in three aspects of functioning: physical, emotional, and behavioral.
Due to great stress and the inability to adequately deal with it, the first thing that suffers is your body. It thus sends a warning that something is wrong. Chronic fatigue is accompanied by insomnia and prolonged exhaustion. No matter how much you sleep, and you won’t sleep for a long time because you are restless, you don’t have the feeling that you have rested. Weakness makes you move less, and a drop in the immune system comes as a logical outcome.
The behavioral aspect becomes obvious. You are unconsciously late for work, with a deep desire not to come at all. You avoid seeing friends and family, postpone the completion of obligations because that would immediately mean creating new ones. You are in a bad mood and you communicate poorly with colleagues. Efficiency is significantly reduced and the quality of work decreases.
Changes in emotional response are also obvious. In the beginning, you will be confused because of everything you feel, because how come all of a sudden, yesterday you were satisfied, and today you are crying for no reason? Decreased concentration and physical weakness make you sensitive and you react violently to every little thing. Sadness, anger, rage, anxiety, and sometimes mild signs of depression, if not recognized and processed, lead to complete apathy. It doesn’t matter to you, the will and motivation are at the lowest possible level and the desire to give up from work awakens.

The question is “what then”?
As we mentioned, the quality of work suffers don’t feel complete guilt. In situations where your supervisor will let you know, acknowledge that it is your responsibility and discuss it. As difficult as it may seem, it is a healthy approach to every problem. Let the statements be formed to show that you still want to work but that you are exhausted due to too much effort. If possible, seek the help of colleagues, and justify it by saying that the quality of your work comes first. Also, continuous training can be proof of your additional effort and professional commitment and are always a good additional benefit.
On the other hand, if you are in a high position, share the responsibility with a person you trust or do employee training to have support when responsibilities build up. Balance your daily routine and find free time to relax. Provide yourself with physical activity, a healthy diet, enough sleep, because such an organism is easier to cope with mental difficulties.